Discover an innovative application that allows you to earn money by renting mobile energy and referring friends.

Designed for anyone to generate income without the need for experience or a large investment.

Monday through Friday earnings table

Revenues range from 17.5 to 875 USDT per day for the rental of a mobile shared power bank. 

Register now

Contact me by email: [email protected]

Watch this video to learn how to load balance to your account from Binance.

This product mainly provides cell phone charging services and is placed in various commercial locations. 

When users need a power bank, they can find the merchant where the device is located through the rental platform and rent it to meet their charging needs. 

The rental generated is our main source of revenue.

To register, you only need a cell phone number

  1. To register, you only need a cell phone number. A password of 6 to 12 digits, numbers and letters, for example: 3467money34g.
  2. Enter the 4 number verification code, now click on the black box where it says get verification code to have a code sent to your cell phone number and enter it.
  3. Now enter the password again and that's it, don't touch anything else, accept the terms and conditions and click on register now.

Watch this video in Spanish on how to start earning profits.

Contact me by email: [email protected]